Out Of State / In State FAQs
- Do I have to be there to purchase or can we mail the paperwork and ship the car?
To protect every customers identity and confirm there are no malicious intentions, we require your physical presence to purchase any vehicle from us. Once you've been here and have signed your part of the legal documents, made your appropriate payments, and confirmed the condition of the vehicle, you are free to make transportation arrangements to have the vehicle shipped.
- Can I put a deposit/hold on a pre-owned vehicle I like?
To ensure that every potential customer has an opportunity to purchase a vehicle of interest, we do not take deposits on our pre-owned inventory. There are a few ways to secure a chance to view the vehicle, however. If you are traveling from out-of-state and are at least 1HR away from us, we would extend to you the Right-To-First-Refusal, granting you the first opportunity to purchase the vehicle once you arrive. This is available to anyone leaving their home provided there isn't already an appointment on the same vehicle of interest. If you intend to fly-in, we will extend the Right-To-First-Refusal for you for up to 72hrs, provided there aren't already any active appointments on that vehicle of interest within that time window.
- I know I want this car and I'm ready to pay cash in full, can I buy the car?
Once we have a bank wire in the full amount of the vehicle (plus any taxes or fees associated with the cost and titling/registration), we will gladly mark the car sold in our system and it will be yours until you fly/drive in for pickup.
- I already have financing set up, but I may be open to yours, what do I do?
We have an online finance application that may be completed at any time once you're ready to obtain financing through one of our lenders. Upon completion, you will receive a call from a Senior Sales Manager or Finance Manager to go over your purchase options!
- I have a vehicle that I want to trade. What can I get for it before I make the trip?
All we would need is your VIN, miles, and general condition of your vehicle so our experts can give you a ballpark estimate in minutes.
- How can I tell what a car looks like and see all the flaws before I make the trip?
Upon a request for more pictures, we are more than happy to pair you up with a Brand Specialist who can take pictures, videos, or even FaceTime with you so that you can see all the little imperfections before you make your trip.
- Are you going to run my credit if I already have financing or if I'm paying cash?
Depending on the circumstances, our policy dictates that it is necessary to check every customer against the OFAC list by bare minimum. If you are financing with us or paying via Credit Union check, cashier's check, or personal check, we will have to pull your credit for verification reasons and to protect our security and that of our customers. If you are paying with cash on hand in full, we will not have to pull your credit.
- There are multiple cars in your inventory that I'd like to see, do I need an appointment?
We recommend an appointment with our sales staff so that we can better serve you upon arrival. Without an appointment, you would risk the availability of the vehicle and/or the availability of the sales team, especially on busy days where we tend to have higher-than-average traffic. However, an appointment is not required, so if you don't want to make one, then just come on in and meet with our friendly sales team at the front desk.
- How long does your process take once I get to your dealership?
Depending on the circumstances, our process can be as quick as 30min to as long as 3 hours. A lot of subjective criteria can affect the length of stay at our dealership, including: the number of vehicles you are considering, how long the test drive is, if there is a trade-in that needs to be appraised, if there is financing we are seeking, preparation of the vehicle you purchase, if there are already customers who are ahead of you in line waiting for the business office to complete their legal documents.
- Are there any additional fees, charges, or add-ons that I have to pay for?
You will be responsible for your state's registration/title fees and taxes. You will pay the IL State Regulated Doc Fee and a 30-Day Temp Tag. Some vehicles may be subject to additional fees. Please contact a dealer representative for further details.